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河南邦振 批发水解聚丙烯腈钾盐

2020/6/21 21:15:35发布235次查看
  • 型号:SWD
  • 品牌:河南邦振
  • 产品规格:50*75
  • 执行标准:SY/1998-96

公司名称: 河南省铭泰化工有限公司
英文名称:k-pan【hydrolysis of polyacrylonitrile sylvite】贸易信息:价格:5500 元/吨 包装:25kg/袋 产地:河南濮阳 供应地:濮阳市产品参数:cas no:2455--250889/小钾 别名/化学名:水解聚丙烯腈钾盐/hydrolysis ofpolyacrylonitrile sylvite 分子式/结构式:k-pan/hydrolysis ofpolyacrylonitrile sylvite 分子量:800 密度(g/l):0.8696 含量(%):99产品规格:25kg/袋产品品牌:河南铭泰详细说明:.jpg.gifhydrolysis of polyacrylonitrilesylvite一、产品主要成分:丙烯腈、丙烯酰胺和丙烯酸钾共聚物 二、hydrolysis of polyacrylonitrilesylvite产品性能和质量指标:本产品是一种水溶性阴离子型高分子,易溶于水,水溶液呈碱性。当遇钙离子或铝离子会生成白色胶状物而沉淀。主要质量指标如下:项目 指标 外观 灰褐色粉末细度(通过0.42m孔径标准筛)/% ≥85 有效物含量/% ≥70.01.0%水溶液表观黏度/mpa.s ≥80 水分 /% ≤10.0 ph植(1%水溶液) 11-12 水解度 /% 55.0-60.0水不溶物 /%≤3.5三、用途:本产品主要用作钻井液处理剂,具有良好的抑制性能和降滤失性能,能有效的防止井壁坍塌,减少井下复杂情况,可用于各种阴离子、两性离子型钻井液体系中.加量超过0.3%(淡水钻井液)塑性黏度、动切力有明显上升的趋势.抗温可达150-180℃后水基钻井液的降滤失剂,兼有一定降粘作用,在淡水钻井液中,耐温可达250℃。一般用量在0.3%——0.5%。四、注意事项:应贮于干燥通风库房,严防受潮和雨淋。a, product main ingredients:acrylonitrile, acrylamide and acrylic acid potassium copolymerssecond, product performance and quality indicators: this product isa water-soluble anion type high polymer,soluble in water, inalkaline solution. when encounter calcium ion or aluminum ion canjelly and precipitate generated white. main quality index is asfollows: project index appearance beige powderfineness (through0.42 m aperture standard sieve) / % 85 p effective content / % 70.0p the apparent viscosity/mpa 1.0% aqueous j s p 80 moisture / %acuities 10.0 ph plant (1% aqueous) 11-12 hydrolysisdegree / %institute - 60.0 water insoluble, / % more than 350 three, use:this product is mainly used for drilling fluid, with goodsuppression treatment performance and drop filter performance, andcaneffectively lost vertically yieldable segments collapsed,reduce underground complex situation, can be applied to variousanionic, gender ionic drilling fluid system. added amount exceed0.3% (drilling)plastic viscosity, freshwater has obvious dynamicforce rise. wenkeda 150 to 180 ℃ resistance came after thewater-based fluid filtration, with some lost agent role inviscosity fluid, anti-scarfreshwater 250 ℃ can be. general usagein 0.3% -- 0.5%. four, note: should be stored in dry and ventilatedwarehouse, defend damp and rain.郑召国 河南省铭泰化工有限公司 :传真: 邮箱:地址:河南省濮阳市台前县铭泰工业区



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